
Работа с документом и настройки FreeHand

Работа с документом и настройки программы
Работа с палитрой Document Inspector

Размеры страниц
Ориентация страницы
Добавление страниц
Удаление страниц
Планировка публикации
Навигация в публикации
Выпуск за обрез
Printer Resolution

Создание шаблона

Открытие документа на основе шаблона
Изменение шаблона по умолчанию
Мастер проектов
Создание отчета
Параметры и установки программы

Pick distance
Cursor distance
Snap distance
Smoother editing
Smaller handles
Remember layer info
Dragging a guide scrolls the window
Dynamic scrollbar
Enable transform handles
Right mouse button magnification

Enable Java scripts (relaunch to apply)
Smart cursors
Changing object changes defaults
Groups transform as unit by default
Join non-touching paths
Path operations consume original paths
Alt-drag copies paths
Show fill for new open paths

Warn before launch and edit
External Editors
Default line weights
New graphic styles
Always use Text Editor
Track tab movement with vertical line
Show text handles when ruler is off
New text containers auto-expand

Display Font Preview
Smart Quotes
Build paragraph styles based on
Dragging a paragraph style changes
Restore view when opening document
Remember window size and location
FreeHand 4 page placement
New document template

Changing view sets the active page
Always review unsaved documents upon Exit
Import / Export
Convert editable EPS when imported
Embed images and EPS upon import (increases file size)
Save file thumbnails
Export EPS with color previews
Bitmap Export

Clipboard output formats
Find duplicate words
Find capitalization errors
Add words to the dictionary
Guide Color
Grid Color

Color List shows
Auto-rename changed colors
Color Mixer/Tint panel uses split color well
Color management
Remember location of zipped panels
Show Tool Tips

Better (but slower) display
Display text effects
Redraw while scrolling
High-resolution image display
Image RAM cache
Display overprinting objects
Greek type below
Preview drag

Настроечный файл
Настройка интерфейса
Настройка панелей
Настройка клавиатурных сокращений